American Sniper

by Chris Kyle w/Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice


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With all the hype around the awesome movie that just came out, I wanted to read the autobiography that Chris Kyle wrote. I’m surprised I haven’t read it yet considering my large collection of SEAL books.

Surprisingly, I have very mixed feelings about the book. Chris Kyle was a hero. He was an absolute hero and deserves every ounce of the recognition and awards he has received. And, if I may say, Jesse Ventura better watch his back… Seriously? Suing Taya, Chris’ widow? I don’t think that’s going to fly with the brotherhood.

MOVING ON… my only “beef” with this book would have to be his mixed up priorities. He felt that life was about God, Country and then Family. Claiming to be a Christian, I would think that he would feel differently about that. Beware of reading if you are not of a strong constitution. There is heavy swearing and the book is full of violence (OBVIOUSLY).


Surprisingly enough, he made it through all four deployments in Iraq. He had come back home and was making changes. He realized that he needed to be there for his family and was working on his marriage. Sadly, he was killed while working with a young man that had PTSD. (On a side note, his trial for the murder of Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield begins in just a couple of weeks)

Overall, it was an intriguing book and the movie was amazing! I allowed my teenage son to read the book because it is an autobiography and we discussed it together when he came across portions that went against what he thought was right.

Thank you to all service men and women. I am incredibly grateful and honored by your service.

308555id1i_TheJudge_FinalRated_27x40_1Sheet.inddClick on pic for the trailer ^