From Good to Grace: Letting Go of the Goodness Gospel

Christine Hoover

“Working myself up into a frantic, over-scheduled mess, I just grow burdened and weary and do not love anyone or anything. When I do this, I miss the point of the gospel entirely and, inadvertently, make the Christian life all about me and my own abilities and efforts and practices.”

In this new book by popular blogger, Christine Hoover, we have a REALLY important message. Life is NOT about me. It’s not about MY achievements. It’s not about Me having a glamorous life all in the name of “God’s will”. We MUST be content to take the little steps and know that God is leading us to a freedom in Him. Freedom from worry, stress, and need for achievement. We are loved. We are treasured. We are important and special to God. It’s OK if we miss a devotion time one day! We should always desire to be in the Word, but God isn’t sitting there upset because I didn’t get my 30 minutes of devotion time in.

Life is not a legalistic, chore list. It is simply about letting God’s grace make us fall desperately in love with Him. He takes care of the rest. We need to get rid of the guilt that plagues us so we feel inferior and like we need to do more. Once we think we need to do more, it becomes about us again!! (Tricky little thing!!)

I HIGHLY recommend this book to ALL women. (Link is in the pic above) 5 Solid Stars

Thank you, Baker Publishing, for this book. As always, this is my honest opinion. Here’s to many more!!

— If you would like to win a copy of this book, or read my fun Face-Off with Christine Hoover, just head on over HERE!!