Face-Off with Mesu Andrews!!

WelcomeSlideWow! I am so honored to have Mesu Andrews here on my blog today. First of all, I love her because she has a FABULOUS name. *Andrews Unite!!*

I remember a few years back when I was in Barnes and Noble (NOT Nobles) and saw this beautiful book on the shelf. It was just screaming at me to take it home. Of course, I bought it and it was a beautiful telling of Job’s story. (Link is in the pic! *hint hint*)

Another thing I love about Mesu? She has made a ministry of helping others cope with chronic illness. This is something I have struggled with for over 20 years. I have a rare disorder known as Ehlers-Danlos and it has severely changed the way I live. Her outspokenness about her own issues with chronic illness have helped many people. It’s the most beautiful thing when you take something so difficult and turn it into a way to glorify God. BEAUTIFUL!!!! If you would like to connect or learn more, just head on over HERE!

Let’s see what this multi-awards winning author can bring to the table today, shall we?


The rules are simple. I ask Mesu some random questions. She replies and then I give my answers. Each winning answer is worth one point and I get to decide whose answer is better.

It’s my blog.

Here we go!

1. Who is your favorite “hero” from the Bible? (Besides Jesus, obviously!)

Mesu – I love Job because he’s so raw and transparent with God and his friends, but I also love him because he was a great dad. I mean, seriously, this guy offered sacrifices for his kids just in case they sinned. What a tender “daddy’s heart” he had. ​And to pray for his friends after all the grief they put him through…definitely heroic. He doesn’t battle like David or begin the Gentile Church like Paul, but he deals a significant blow to Satan. Kudos to Job!

Charity – I am right there with you, girl. You have NO IDEA how excited I got when I noticed the little verse that says:

God said to Satan, ‘Have you noticed my friend Job? There’s no one quite like him—honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil.’ ” Job 1:8

Once I saw that, there was no going back. I made the completely insane utterance, “I wish I was God’s friend!” That was before I realized what I was praying for… Needless to say, my life has been a little nuts since that prayer. ha!!!

— Tie! Love his story!!

Charity 1 / Mesu 1

2. Favorite Netflix show to binge watch?

Mesu – I’m a Netflix junkie. Displaying Call the midwife.jpgWe added Amazon Prime just because they have some things Netflix doesn’t. Oh, brother. :-/ My current binge is “Call the Midwife,” but I mostly love the period ​pieces–movies or series. Kings, queens, knights, dukes, etc. We raised our daughters to be movie buffs. We’re that dweebie family that quotes our favorite movie lines to each other. Princess Bride is, of course, among the favs. We have movies for every holiday. We watch Forrest Gump every July 4th, While You Were Sleeping every Christmas. It’s a sickness. What can I say?

Charity – It’s a sickness I can TOTALLY GET ON BOARD WITH! We also have Amazon Prime. You can’t live without that little golden nugget. It makes birthday shopping for out of town family a BREEZE!

It’s so much fun to hang out with the family and talk about TV. I know, I know…they should be outside playing, blah blah blah. 😮

I love Once, Blacklist, Prison Break, Turn and looking forward to watching Poldark soon!!

— Tie again!!!

Charity 2 / Mesu 2

3. Are you crafty (as in, love doing crafts)?

Mesu – I am so UNCRAFTY that the buzzers go off at Michael’s when I walk INTO the store. ​When I was a young mom, I learned to cross-stitch, but I couldn’t figure out what to do with all the cute little things I put so much time into. You can only put so many of those things on a wall, right? When my two daughters graduated from high school, I scrap-booked their school years into three or four albums. Major projects, but I sent those with the girls when they got married. Maybe when I stop writing on deadline I’ll find something crafty to do. Any suggestions?

Charity – haha. I don’t!! I really only started “crafting” when I broke my toe and had to have surgery on it last year. I was in bed FOR-EVER!!!! I made some fun stuff! It’s crazy what you can accomplish when you are sitting around all day…

A few of the things I came up with:

Owl Market Bag                        Wreath               Hat for my super cool brother


iPad Case

— I get that one!! woot woot!

Charity 3 / Mesu 2

4. Chocolate or Candy?

Mesu – ​If I have to stick with chocolate or candy,Displaying lindt whit choc balls.jpg I’ll pick Lindt White Chocolate Balls. Yum! But, honestly, I’m a sucker for baked goods. We lived in Amish country (Nappanee, IN) for fourteen years, so I was so spoiled. Cinnamon rolls the size of a dinner plate…donuts dipped in caramel glaze and cinnamon powdered sugar…pumpkin/cream cheese whoopie pies…need I go on?

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Charity – Um, no you needn’t! YUM!!!!! I can’t compete with that…

— Mesu!!!

Charity 3 / Mesu 3

5. Funny story about when you were dating your husband?

Mesu – I think it was our 5th or 6th date, and he had asked me to go hunting with him on a Saturday morning–rabbit hunting. There were several firsts happening here… I’d never been hunting before​. It was the first time we’d seen each other with less than perfect hygiene–no make-up for me, no shower and shave for him. It was cold, so we were both in coveralls and boots. Did I mention I’d never been hunting before? So, we’re tip-toeing across this field, ever-so-quietly, and he presses his finger against his lips, nodding at a thicket straight ahead. He lifts his gun to aim, and…I scream in his ear, “Run, bunny. Run!” Roy nearly jumps out of his skin. Rabbit scurries away. I started praying he wouldn’t turn the gun on me. 😉 He’s never been hunting again. Says I embarrassed him in front of the furry woodland creatures.

Charity – OH!!! 😮 HAHAHAHA!! That’s amazing! I bet he didn’t even know what to do at that moment!!!!

I embarrassed my husband when we were engaged. It was just us and he was being really sweet and sincere. If you know me, you know that I get giggly and really awkward when I am nervous. So, he is being absolutely adorable and perfect. He tells me, “I’m going to be the best that I can be.” I am looking into his beautiful, brown eyes that I just get lost in. Then, I couldn’t help myself. I said, “in the Army.”

*fail* He still married me…Still wondering why…

— “Run, bunny. Run!!”

Charity 3 / Mesu 4

6.Have you ever gone cliff-diving?

Mesu – I’ve never done cliff-diving.Displaying cliff diving--sort of.jpg My hubby and I saw some cliff divers when we were on a cruise in Mexico, but I wasn’t brave enough to join them. But I am a bit of a daredevil. I love any kind of roller coaster, and I’ve always wanted to skydive, so your question prompted this almost cliff dive along Hwy 101 on the Oregon Coast. Nearly gave my hubby a heart attack just taking the picture. (He hates roller coasters, BTW.)

Charity – I love it!! I am the same way. I always wanted to skydive as well. I can guarantee that won’t be happening with my rickety ol’ body! I have never been cliff diving either. My husband has!! He did all kinds of fancy flips off of one.

— Tie.

Charity 3 / Mesu 4

7. If you were going to be someone in Bible times, who would you be?

Mesu – Mary of Bethany–Martha and Lazaraus’s little sister. Most women have three overwhelming needs: 1) to feel loved, 2) to feel secure, and 3) to feel special. ​I think Mary had all three of those things at a time in history when women seldom experienced any of the three. Their family unit–Lazarus and his sisters–seemed quite close though (and perhaps because) they likely lost their parents at an early age. They were likely well-off if they often ​provided food and lodging for Jesus and His disciples.

And how wonderful to have the self-confidence to anoint Jesus’s feet with her nard and dry his feet with her hair​–and then let Jesus be your defender. If that didn’t make her feel special, I don’t know what would! Obviously, her life wasn’t perfect, but she was the kind of woman I’d like to be. She had her priorities straight, and Jesus rewarded her for that.

Charity – Ok, I totally had to google “nard”. Essential oil. Very fancy, Mesu! Don’t think you can win points by being fancy!!! 😉

Oh man. That’s a hard one I asked myself! Hmm. I can’t think of anything more incredible than being the mother of Jesus. I mean, seriously. Having two sons, I know that there is something amazing between a boy and his momma. ❤ ❤

— Tie

Charity 4 / Mesu 5

8. How do you strive to bring God the most glory in your life?

Mesu – My first thought was that I share the lessons God teaches me in His Word, whether it’s through my biblical novels or through my weekly blog.​But, you know, I’m not sure that brings Him the most glory. I learned a hard lesson this spring, when my schedule got too crazy, and I was running on spiritual fumes. Out of His abundant grace, my God still gave me amazing insights to share with people through written words, TV, and radio interviews, but it wasn’t until I started meeting Him again in regular times of silence and solitude that ​my life truly reflected His glory. I can’t reflect Him with my life unless I spend time alone in His presence.

Charity – Wow. You are right. I think we get so caught up in doing stuff for Him that we forget to spend time with Him. Satan loves it. He loves to tell us we aren’t doing enough for God. Makes us spin like tops.

— God wins!!!

Charity 4 / Mesu 5

9. What’s your favorite “on the go” meal to pick up when you are having a down day and don’t feel up to cooking?

Mesu – Hands down…Taco Bell’s Beefy 5-layer Burrito Meal-Deal.Displaying pdp_beefy_5_layer_burrito.jpg I’m a creature of habit. Burrito, Doritos (that I give to my hubby), and a diet coke. Once in awhile, I’ll stop by McDonald’s and get a pineapple/mango smoothie for a snack. Yum! Right now, I’m on a pumpkin scone kick at Starbucks, but that’s only for the fall special. I’m a prepared-food junkie. If you can’t unwrap it, I generally don’t eat it. Even on the rare occasion that I make a meal at home, it usually comes from a box. Please don’t hate me. I raised my children on healthy food, so now I can eat a hot-fudge sundae for supper if I want to. ​

Charity – Psshhhhh. Girl! I feel your pain. When you are hurtin’, fast food is a certain! See how clever I am? haha

No. Judgement. Here.

I love fast-food so much that I couldn’t possibly tell you my favorite. Name a restaurant that is terrible for you and I will have a list of things I love from the menu. ❤


Charity 5 / Mesu 6

10. Decorations: Classic, Modern, Country, or _________?

Mesu – I’m not sure there’s a category for my decorations.Displaying living room pix.jpg I decorate with family pictures since our whole family, including my two daughters and​ their families (yes, all six grandkids), live over two thousand miles away. So, in the rooms where we spend most of our time, we’re surrounded by pictures–and the dog, his bed, his toys, etc. My life and my home are sort of messy–not dirty–just a bit disheveled. Life has always been too short to worry much about stuff. It’s all about my people–and now, of course, my four-legged baby, Zeke.

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Charity – Aw! Cute. I love your house! It’s beautiful!!

We live in a teeny-tiny home. God was bringing us through a season of purging. It’s been amazing and life-changing.


I am pretty organized…and may, or may not, be in love with Ikea…


Charity 6 / Mesu 7

you__ve_just_lost_the_game__xd_by_ponyowantsham-d3avgotbut it was so close…

Thank you, Mesu!!! So much fun getting to know you! Sounds like we are kindred spirits 🙂